Saturday, October 10, 2009

定石 研究 part 1

For this fuseki, white usually responds with either A or B.

Earlier this year, this 定石 variation occurred with high frequency.

黑: 李昌镐 白: 姜东润 富士通杯决赛 2009-07-06
After 白20 定石, 黑 extension at A is quite big and severe.
Since this original version, many newer variations have been experimented.

黑13 & 白14 exchange precludes white from pressing at Q12.

黑: 金志锡 白: 李昌镐 2009-08-19
黄翊祖 commented that 白22 is a bit heavy maybe should play Q8 instead. On his game on tygem, 崔哲瀚 (showmethe) agrees with this point of view.

黑23 defends against white from settling down with 白33. 白24 good sequence before white blocks at 白26; it creates 白32 which helps white escape outward with 白34 & 白36.

白12 presses then 白14 扳 is the latest version.

黑15 is what white hopes.

Comparsion Picture:
Compare to original version (right), triangle black seed (left) is not as well placed. Left corner has much more aiji than the original version.
To be continue.....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ふせき (Fuseki) Research


黑15 didn't complete building the wall with A because black is afraid of falling gote then white can easily reduce black's moyo with B (see pro game).

黑: 崔哲瀚 白: 洪基杓 白胜 May 26, 2009

黑11 = A

白16 & 18 are common invasion 手段. 黑19 could also consider Q18. Professional games 白20 tends to peek at A first then escape outward. I tried a few times but the result wasn't so great.

黑: 谢赫 白: 张维 November 15, 2008 黑胜

Fuseki variaton up to 白40 feels black's territory and shape are better.

白24 = A
My proposition: white can settle easily with 白20-24.

If black counters with 黑25 then white can cross or block-in black with 白32.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


黑: 夏衔誉 白: 小林光一

小林老师 played 白58 in less than 10 seconds ><;; I instantly realized 白58 covers three areas: 黑 has no mood to play A anymore as 白 will peek at M15 to transform black seeds into an art piece, and 白58 creates two fantastic follow up moves at B and C. When I played 黑57 I totally overlooked 白58... I feel the distance of my Go level to 小林老师. I tipped my hat to 小林老师 and used a 30 seconds byomi period plus 20 seconds more to admire the move.

黑67 = A

黑61 fight back probabily is the only move. Fortunately white didn't have decent ko threats so the fight is feasible for black.

Looking back, 黑57 should forcefully 扳.