Friday, September 25, 2009

Opening analysis

Due to 小目 (triangle), black usually defends with 黑33. 白34 is not in rush to split at 35 (see pro game below for more explainations) because after 黑35 links 白36 is an ideal move:
1) contain right side black's moyo potential
2) expand left side white's moyo potential
黑: 周鹤洋 白: 李康
After white splits with 白34, 黑37 invade is used to settle the shape and gain sente. As black takes 黑45, black's opening is successful because black can get either one of the two attractive 大场 A or B. One of the keys to opening is to calculate how 大场 is being splitted between black and white. For black, on your next move you want to have two equally attractive 大场 to choose from. For white, you want to grab the last remaining 大场 and leave no choice for black.
Continue with previous opening, 黑37 invasion is very urgent; otherwise, white defends at 39 is huge. After 黑45 settles down, white faces dilemma to choose between 大场 A or B.

黑: 周鹤洋 白: 王檄

White chooses to expand with 46 and 48. But 黑49 gets the critical mutual expansion point. White's attempt to recoup losses from attack wasn't successful; black settles down easily.

黑: 周鹤洋 白: 胡耀宇

This game played about two months after the previous game.
Not satisfied with the previous result, 白46 invades then follow common sequence up to 黑63. 白64 decides to break away from the norm (join at 67) to grab the last remaining 大场. 白64 works because as the board shrinks in size the value of thickness reduces; hence, the value of 黑67 cuts is not so big now.

To be continue.....

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